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you can get those right here. you could get those right here in palm beach county. a combination of palm beach, broward and what s left in miami dade is more than enough. the question is what is still left out there that is republican? let s go to north carolina and virginia. in virginia donald trump is ahead. let s go to virginia first. i ve been watching this one repeatedly because donald trump is ahead. and just a cautionary note. again this is more competitive than we thought virginia was going to be here is the big issue. donald trump is doing exactly what he needs out here. the smaller rural areas. ful 68%. donald trump doing exactly what he needs out in rural. but the issue is what s here? only 15% loudoun county.
300 people, 400 people already lined up at a polling site, and i don t think one of them was voting for donald trump. i think there is a secret vote. people talk about this secret vote of people coming out of the woods for trump, but we re seeing it for hillary clinton in hispanics and african-americans. what time do you think florida will be called? i think there s two scenarios, if she wins florida by two or three points, we ll know even by 8:00, you know, most of the state votes before the, ends at 7:00 eastern, about ten counties are west of the eastern time zone, and finish at 8:00. trump will win those counties by maybe 250,000 votes. so if she has a big number liea coming out of dade and broward, it s going to be done. if it s going to be narrow, it will be late. really appreciate it. thanks, lawrence. coming up next, the republican case for voting for
bit for you. in florida, we are seeing a big turn out in miami, dade, which is a democratic area. we are seeing the same number of early votes that were cast in 2012 have already been cast in miami-dade area. there is 139% increase of african-american voters. in north carolina even when the number of polling places were not opened, we have seen a big spike in the democratic counties like durham and wake and mecklenburg and we are seeing double digit increases and nevada, we are seeing huge spikes and with latinos. we got a well over 30,000 vote margin. it is all across the country where we have access to this data. it demonstrates that if you have
information. we re talking about timing in general in the presidential race right now. for the first time as we look ahead in the long time, the iowa caucuses are in february, not in january as we ve seen in the past i think the last three cycles. who does that help? who does that hurt? first of all, it is so true. i remember eight years ago sitting in des moines wondering why i can t find chinese food on christmas. because i had to be there because the caucuses for a week later, not even. who does it help? it s hard to say. one thing was think about to answer this question is kind of the culture of the iowa caucuses in the last couple of election cycles have been that a conservative can dade who was like nowhere in the polls, comes from nowhere and endz up winning, mike huckabee in 2008, rick santorum in 2012. and now with a little bit more time post holidays, unclear if