LOCK HAVEN SWC Realty is fortunate to be partnering with Keystone Central Career & Technical Center (CTC) and PA CareerLink to offer a Capstone Cooperati
Word of the Day
Quote of the Day Michelle Obama
Hire a student!
The Keystone Central School District’s Career and Technology Center is looking to partner with local employers to provide paid work experience to 12th grade students. If your business currently has an employee shortage and your’re looking to hire, contact Daci Killinger, cooperative education coordinator for Keystone Central CTA at 570-893-4900 ext 4511 or email dkillinger@kcsd.us.
Join Boy Scouts
Scouts BSA Troop 66 is located at Woolrich Community United Methodist Church on Park Avenue in Woolrich. They meet every Monday night from 7 to 8:30 pm. We go camping and do outdoor games such as survival skills, first aid, and team building… In scouts you can also earn a total of a 135 merit badges such as petcare, robotics or fishing, Both girls and boys can earn scouting highest rank Eagle Scout. They now accept boys and girls ages 11-17 into scouting. Visit them and see what it’s like. Join today. Visit