year was the best biggest most conservative budget congress has ever passed. something like 7.4 trillion in spending. we have shown as house republicans what you need to do to deal with the debt crisis. it is entitlement reform. we have more work to do with our friends on the other side of the aisle and the the president is known to change his mine. see if the president will support a bipartisan plan. i don t want to risk a veto. i want to get it done the first time and i think we can get there. i m confident we can bring a bipartisan solution to the floor that can get signed into law and solve this problem. we want a daca solution. we want an immigration solution. i m confident we can get there. by the way, getting this budget agreement done allows us to shift our focus on the next big priority which has a deadline which is this issue.
vorocity. not a word. rise up. let s talk about the deep state. paul ryan was just speaking. let s listen to what he said about daca. i mean, i would have gone to the bathroom well before then. i have to tell you. so, you know, impressive. first, we want a daca solution. guess what? in order to shift our focus and get on to the next priority, which is a daca solution, we have to get this budget agreement done so we can focus on this. i said it once, and i ll say it again, we will bring a resolution to the floor. as far as the senate is concerned, first, i think it is important to see what they if they can produce a bill and what they can produce. our system works different than their system. the leader would say the same thing. so, i can t speak to what our rule is going to look like. i can say that we re going to bring a daca solution to the floor because we want to solve this problem. phil? [ inaudible question ].
does work differently. it is for a long-term there is this hastert rule where the leadership will not put forward a bill unless it has a majority of the majority of support. and with president trump still not being very clear what he wants and walking away from what lawmakers would back in a daca in a compromise, it seems very unlikely that there is something that they know is going to pass and they know will get signed and won t be subject to a veto. so it is a big mess and it seems shockingly that nobody really knows what the best end game should be or will be. cornell, nancy pelosi on line one. what would you advise? i m going to be contrarian. because, nance, you could say a lot about her, but she s an excellent legislator. but i ll be contrary. to a certain extent, rand paul will do what he does. but on the house side, look, the democrats have been holding out because they want to to the same sort of deal that
people go let her people go. brett, i have to say, we do this i feel like the government funding bill is the groundhog day story of the american politics now. every three months we re always about to run out of money and always about to avert a shutdown. there is no way to run a government. but we re all numb to it now. well, that is exactly right. and one of the central promises of the trump administration is that a business man president would run a much more effective government than political politicians. that turns out to be laughably and false. i do want to answer the question you ask the cornell, which is that much as i want to see a solution to daca, as much as anything, i think nancy pelosi got over her skis. it was an impressive physical performance and impressive in
democrats have gotten on the daca vote, make sure there is a vote on daca. which by the way, if you if not for the hastert rule, you will have a majority of the house who will vote for that. but this is how the house is supposed to work. there are things in the bill that democrats want and things in this bill that republicans want. not a majority of republicans will be for this but if you put it on the floor you ll get a bipartisan piece of legislation by the majority of the house. the problem for speaker ryan is in his caucus and his caucus politics, but from a legislative standpoint, he has a majority for this bill. okay. but would you so what would you advise nancy pelosi to do, to tell her to kill the bill. if she gets the guarantee from speaker ryan and he said that she should do let her