Tomorrow. You dont have to be a news junkie to know what is driveing the trial of Defendant Trump. They have made headway with the jury in this case. The reason, we saw this in court yesterday, is receipts. This trial which is about many different issues and questions about witness credibility and political intrigue and all kinds of stuff, is currently working against trump as a defendant because there are just so many receipts. The receipts include the onslaught of emails and secret text and ndas and as i mentioned last night, i was inside the courtroom yesterday in one of the rare coveted Reporter Seats and i can tell you we saw along with the jury actual literal receipts. The legal kind. Written contracts of this whole sordid scene. The allegations he and allies directly tried to hide. In that campaign year. It is a pile of paperwork that is essentially burying Defendant Trumps main defenses. Now remember, in the first week, trumps lawyers detailed these certain trump defenses. They