Sameea Kamal | CalMatters
District employees prepare boxes filled with breakfast, lunch and snacks for Oakland Unified students at La Escuelita on June 7, 2021. Families can request or pick up one box per child enrolled in district schools. Photo Credit: Anne Wernikoff / CalMatters by ElObservador 06/11/2021
Early in the pandemic, the only source of milk for some struggling families was from school lunches, recalls Stacy Johnson, director of nutrition services at Glendora Unified School District.
Even for families who weren’t as strained financially or for families of picky eaters getting meals during lockdown was something to get excited about: A chance to get out of the house, and to see teachers and friends.
Legislators want to spend $650 million a year to continue a pandemic program for free meals for all California public school students. The proposal will be decided in budget talks this week.