The Monday, May 10 meeting of Brown County Commissioners has been moved from the Courthouse to the Adams Street Community Center. The reason is a large crowd is anticipated as Commissioners consider a request by IP Radian for a reinvestment zone and tax abatement for a proposed solar farm in southwest Brown County. The meeting will begin at 9:00 am.
Brown County Judge Paul Lilly issued the following press release regarding Monday’s County Commissioners meeting,
We will have a second public hearing on the controversial tax abatement issue. Please announce and encourage everyone who wants to speak, to attend.
I have the following questions for IP Radian and their abatement application:
1. Declare a Quorum and Call Meeting to Order
2. Prayer
3. Recognition of Special Guests and Presentations
4. Citizen Comments (All speakers will be required to adhere to the rules of procedure, conduct and decorum adopted by the Court on August 12, 2019. Any disruptive, abusive, obscene, or disrespectful behavior will be terminated immediately.)
5. Consideration and approval of the minutes from the March 1st, 2021
6. Consideration and approval of any Treasurer’s/ Auditor’s Report.
7. Consideration and approval of payment of any bills needed.
8. Consideration and approval of all appropriate action regarding the following:
A. Joel Kelton, Commissioner Pct. 2 – Consideration and possible approval of action regarding burn ban;