prosecutors mainly undeterred by rising crime, he is undeterred by you, the people who have to live with his soft on crime ideas, he continues to think that letting people get away with crime is good, prison bad and people should be realized time after time to continue their criminal ways, he is willing to to spend a lot of money to find ideas to not make you safer. your vote counts as much as his does. it is not too late. soros does not need good cops pro prosecutors, he will be fine on whatever yacht he is on, we need the public safety, what of the policy initiatives doing to your communities, former federal prosecutor, sol weisenberg is joining us now. i am guessing george soros figured out the best way to change your justice system is to change those responsible for running it there true, if you put enough money into the races. he put a tremendous aim in the local da races, someone has to pay the piper. what is happening now people are waking up to the results of ease ele