dana: hello, everyone i am dana perino. it is 5:00 in new york city and this is the five. growing fallout over the jeffrey epstein documents.a li high profile names are beingan revealed. that is just the start. a second batch could be released at any moment. one name that appears 50 timeslt is bill clinton. one of epstein s accusers testified the told her clinton likes them young, referring to girls. the lawyer telling jesse that the documents raise questionsrei about the former president.rt ed a victim reported being ona helicopter with him and maxwell there is another statement she made that clinton was on the island, which is very differentd than what we have heard previously. we heard he was not.sa hard to say who to believe. he was on the island but did not take the the bait. did not have relations with any of the girls.g they say prince andrew previously denied misconduct last year. the document name dropped 170 of his visitors, includingian michael jackson,
we ll today, ashleigh. good morning, you know, over the weekend, the government also shut down new york signature bank, so this action will apply to those customers as well. even uninsured depositors have been given the guarantee that their money will be returned in a joint statement by the treasury. federal reserve at f d. i c reads quote, depositors will have access to all of their money starting monday, march 13th no losses associated with the resolution of silicon valley bank will be worn by the taxpayer, the president said. that more will come today. president over the crisis. what s that? , access to all of their money starting monday march 13, what is that? we are expecting to hear from the president at 8:00 and all of this emergency action was a ripple effect. and also protect the payroll for companies with svp. may need recognize like fitbit , there is no consequences to their actions. treasury secretary janet yellen said a bank by little else was never on the
discriminating against otherng h candidates, preferential hiring has left lef them with less cape leftovers. the best is gone so you are left with a bunch of claudine gaze. owl sharp and left a protest al sharpton led a protest.ri sm we are not defending any of that. the harvard board that agreede n with that should have to answer that. this is about d eei. what does race have to do with the firing of the college president? plagiarism, forget about plagiarism.
adults. it is a big mistake to indoctrinate medical students into these ideas that children should be exposed to this so-called transition either social transition or actual gender transition. todd: are you worried future generations of doctors will be less trained? you have limited time in medical school. you are focusing on d eei and something not taught so are you worried doctors will be poorly trained going forward are less trained going forward, i should say? that is exactly right. that is one of the biggest issues and these different political ideas with many aspects of the dei world, the critical race theory introduced into medicine. we are taking physicians from basic science and list them about social issues at which they can do nothing. the education includes issues about improving housing, improving violence in communities, improving the availability of food in communities. physicians can t do anything