Wolfgang Danspeckgruber, Founding Director of LISD, is pleased to invite you to a virtual lecture by José Casanova, Senior Fellow at the Berkeley Center for Religion, Peace & World Affairs, and Professor Emeritus, Georgetown University. The lecture is part of the PORDIR and GDSC Seminar Series, and is open to all on Zoom.
Princeton students, faculty, and staff who are permitted on campus are welcome to attend the event in person in the Cyril Black Conference Room, 019 Bendheim Hall. Due to Princeton University Covid restrictions, we are obligated to keep a record of every person that attends. Therefore, in order to attend the event in person, you must RSVP. A tea reception will follow the talk.
There will be a Zoom link provided for those who RSVP and would like to join remotely.
José Casanova is one of the world's top scholars in the sociology of religion and a senior fellow at the Berkley Center, where his work focuses on globalization, religions, and secularizati
This Friday, March 4th, 2022, join us for a special international colloquium on threats to European security following the Russian and Belorussian War of Aggression against Ukraine.
To offer a realistic and insightful picture of the current situation - what has happened, and how? - concerning its actors both military & strategic; the financial, cyber, and humanitarian dimensions of the situation; and analyzing the information warfare, nuclear weapons, intelligence operations, and legal dimensions of the conflict. We will also answer questions from participants, elaborate possible near-future scenarios, and contextualize previous work and discussions within GDSC.
Invited Participants:
Matt Korda, Senior Research Associate and Project Manager, Nuclear Information Project, Federation of American Scientists Justinas Mickus, policy analyst, & young professionals from the Baltic region; Dr. Markus Schiller; Founder and Director, ST Analytics (aerospa
Join us for the inaugural meeting of the Arctic and Antarctic Research Group hosted by LISD. Our event will provide an introduction to the speaker and research program for Spring and Summer 2022.
We will consider relevant issues concerning the Arctic Region and the Continent of Antarctica and the respective surroundings:
Geopolitics Arctic Security Geography Environmental Challenges/Sea Level Change China's Belt & Road Initiative Natural Resources Maritime Routes and Trade Relevant Organizational Structures National Interests Demography and Populations
Dr. Lawson Brigham, Captain, US Coast Guard (retired); Distinguished Professor of Geography and Arctic Policy, University of Alaska Fairbanks<br /> Knut Hammarskjöld, President, Human Identity (ETHID); Chief Executive Officer, Cerebra Gaming and Research Labs, Inc.<br /> Prof. Tomas Ries, Associate Professor and Senior Lecturer, National Defense College, Stockholm, Sweden
Please join us in a discussion with LISD alumnae whose work has helped shape contemporary world affairs.
Rani Mullen, The College of William and Mary
Miriam Schive, World Economic Forum
Lachlyn Soper, U.S. Department of State
Carol Wang, Rumi Spice
Moderated by LISD Founding Director Wolfgang Danspeckgruber. IMPORTANT: Princeton students, faculty, and staff who are permitted on campus are welcome to attend the event in person in the Cyril Black Conference Room, 019 Bendheim Hall. Due to Princeton University Covid restrictions, we are obligated to keep a record of every person that attends. Therefore, in order to attend the event in person, you must RSVP.<br /><br />
There will be a Zoom link provided for those who RSVP and would like to join remotely.
Joschka Fischer served as Germany's Minister of Foreign Affairs 1998-2004 and as Vice Federal Chancellor during the administration of Chancellor Gerhard Schröder. He was one of the most popular politicians of his time in Europe and joined Germany's Green party in 1982. Upon his appointment as Hessian Minister of the Environment and Energy in 1985, he was the first German Green politician to assume a post in the Federal Government. From 1987 to 1991, Fischer served in various capacities in the Hessian State Assembly; from 1991 to 1994 as Hessian Minister for the Environment, Energy and Federal Affairs; and from 1994 to 1998 he was Parliamentary Spokesman for the Green Party in the German Bundestag, the national parliament.
Mr. Fischer was in residence at Princeton University’s Woodrow Wilson School during the 2006-2007 academic year. While at Princeton, he was LISD Senior Visiting Fellow and the Frederick H. Schultz Class of 1951 Professor of International Economic Polic