A pair of manatees, named Romeo and Juliet, who have resided at Miami Seaquarium since the late 1950's, have been successfully relocated to Tampa under the direction of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, according to the ZooTampa.
Cynthia Stringfield had barely slept by the time she reached the Miami Seaquarium parking lot early Tuesday morning. She had been awake since 4 a.m. and was restless the night before. The day she’d anticipated for weeks was finally here: It was manatee moving day, and Stringfield was going along for the five-hour ride to Tampa. This was not just any manatee. This was Romeo, a 2,100-pound hunk .
ZooTampa goes on a global conservation mission to protect elephants, penguins. Two animal specialists traveled to Africa to work with international teams.