Cynthia Kpalete is a doctor in her final year of training and a sexual and reproductive health rights activist. She is pro-choice, passionate about youth organisations and a committed safe abortion advocate. She is a member of the network of young health professionals for safe abortion and the community of practice of the African Society of Gynaecology and Obstetrics (SAGO).
From 9–11 March 2022, in Cotonou, Benin, FIGO’s Advocating for Safe Abortion Project worked with the National College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists of Benin (CNGOB) to organise a capacity building workshop for their counterparts visiting from Mali alongside the Youth Health Workers for Safe Abortion (YHW4SA) – a Beninese network of young pro-choice health professionals set-up in 2021 by CNGOB.