shipyard community fund which can be leveraged into creating a financial institution which creates responsible lending and strategic investment opportunities. in general, let me move back up. tickets it is now essential the financial institutions that hold city assets developed a responsibility report back to the city there banking practices as it relates to local residents. community leaders are in the process of creating a think tank which includes major stakeholders or subject matter experts in the financial arena to bring about financial literacy and social investment. social irresponsible investment or ethical investing describes the strategy which seeks to maximize both financial return and social good. in general, social responsibility investors favor corporate practices that promote environmental stewardship, a consumer protection, human rights, and diversity. finally, as an example of what pico was doing throughout the state, our affiliate organization in san jos
reason for it as well. what advocates of the bank of north dakota and public banking have pointed out is that the state of north dakota has a low unemployment rate, 3.2%, and they achieved budget surpluses during the last couple of years. the recession starting 2008. and then have been able to extend credits after 2008 when we saw the credit freeze on the part of private banks, affecting public agencies and many small businesses and other enterprises. finally, and last point, related initiatives. this gets to be rfp question. there was some discussion about it, including a requirement in the rfp being prepared by the treasurer and tax collector s office for banking services and whether or not the city could make a requirement or provide extra points in scoring bidders if they re providing a higher level of investment for the local community. and there is some concern, and the city attorney has expressed an opinion on that it may not be allowed under state law. however, our co
generate over $2 million in gross revenue. in the funds get deposited into bank of america. even then, big of america will not give me access to credit to expand my business, which you know what, we re used to, so no worries on that, but i am still working with them to modify my house loan. as i sit in loan modification purgatory, i see with this upcoming i think with this upcoming rfp, which in mandate the banks to set clear matrix s on how they re helping non- traditional people access loans, for closures, you know our they help us? let s hold them accountable. we can send matrix s fedor quantifiable of the want to be responsive to this at the very least. thank you. supervisor avalos: how long have you been in loan modification limbo? it is guinta b five years now. supervisor avalos:oh! 5? it is update ok. where we come from, we help each other. they cannot kick us out of san francisco. supervisor avalos: we will not allow them. thank you. next speaker, please.
to build a coal-fired power plant in south africa. [bell rings] it would spew out over 36 million tons of greenhouse gases every year. in doing so, it would become one of the world s largest single- point sources of carbon pollution in the world. to make matters worse, it would mostly provide electricity to multinational corporations, who would get it and is subsidized rates. people who pay for the subsidies would be the rest of the south african ratepayers. this plan worsens energy access rather than making it better. supervisor avalos: thank you. next speaker, please. thank you so much for having us here. my name is david taylor with the rainforest action network. i want to talk about the environmental impacts of making portfolios. on behalf of rainforest action network, and want to talk about the crimes that bank of america is committing against public health and our climate through its financial support of the coal industry. at every stage of its life, cold as serious d