tag line which is when women succeed, so does america. and so when women are the main supporters and breadwinners of the family, they are not working because they want a little hobby outside of the home. they are working because in this economy where the bottom 60% of the wage earners have stagnant wages, the women need to work to support themselves and the families and provide that letter of economic activity, and mobility for people. so, it is a really important movement in our country to make sewer that we have an economy that works for everybody. well, mark, and that is, i want to go back to the politics of it, and specifically, this response from the republican party, the rnc says that the truth is that the paycheck fairness act is a cynic ploy and the democrats betting that americans are not smart enough. lit cut flexibility in the workplace for working moms and end merit pay to reward good work, the very important things to us.