KRAS-mutated tumors were once untreatable. In fact, KRAS was something of a poster child for so-called undruggability. Several laboratories are investigating strategies to address other mutations and uses beyond non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) and colorectal cancer. If you can t bind KRAS to block it, use a glue or combine multiple weapons. This is the idea behind two new approaches that target cancers caused by this proto-oncogene.
Inhibitors of Cyclophilin A would have potential use in reducing the vulnerability to heart attacks due to plaque rupture, she said, adding, It is also being developed as a clinical serological marker of detecting vascular inflammation in patients with diabetes. In a statement here on Sunday, RGCB Director Prof Chandrabhas Narayana said the research findings on the role played by Cyclophilin will provide a better understanding of the molecular mechanisms underlying cardiovascular diseases.It will help in risk detection and development of novel pharmacological therapies, he pointed out.