A Canadian university-associated business accelerator for helping early-stage cybersecurity companies says its first two years of operation have been more than satisfactory. The Rogers Cybersecure Catalyst Accelerator has had "an incredible impact" on Canadian cybersecurity entrepreneurs and founders, executive director Charles Finlay said this week in the first report on the program's progress. Despite having
Employers winning in this labor market know how to look at adjacent skills and invest in upskilling their internal candidates while creating alternative candidate pools.
- CLIC (Certifications for Leadership in Cybersecurity) builds on the Catalyst s experience in delivering leading cybersecurity workforce training programs and
Coffee Briefings are timely deliveries of the latest ITWC headlines, interviews, and podcasts. Today’s Coffee Briefing is delivered by IT World Canada’s editorial team! Missed last week’s Coffee Briefing? We’ve got you covered. TMU’s Rogers Cybersecure Catalyst launches new program designed to launch or elevate cybersecurity careers Rogers Cybersecure Catalyst at Toronto Metropolitan University (TMU) has