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The best-performing stocks of 2020 and the start of 2021 are falling out of favor as traders and investors are collecting profits About this Event
As the US stock market weakens after a strong start of the year because of various concerns, US Treasury yields continue to rise, sending shivers down market watchers’ spines.
In the meantime, local bank stocks such as DBS, OCBC, and UOB benefitted from rising treasury yields and made some strong gains.
And as Budget 2021 was announced recently, the government signaled that $870 million will go to the badly beaten aviation sector - more than double of last year’s injection. Needless to say, counters such as SIA and SATS received love from the street.
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Do you want to have a better trading result or protect your portfolio in an upcoming crash? About this Event
Uncertainty will remain in 2021, there will still be market corrections, flash crash, and stock rally. The question is how are we going to deal with it? Over the past few years, Andy and his students have weathered through the stormy market riding the most up trending stocks with his technical strategy, this has allowed them to survive and strive during market uncertainty. The KEY is that instead of making a prediction of what stock to buy for the whole year of 2021 and pray for it to go up, Andy s strategy empowers him to ADAPT to the biggest trends or the best-performing companies in the market.
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Conservative investors and traders would be wondering if there are still any chances to ride on uptrends About this Event
As the stock market quiets down after a much-needed rally in November, most of the strong stocks are trading sideways, particularly our Blue Chips in the banking and property sectors. However, with Singapore’s first batch of vaccines having arrived on our soil, it’s not far-fetched to anticipate another round of vaccine-backed recovery in our stock market.
In fact, traders and investors would have seen several winners recently, especially the recent IPO of Nanofilm that turned an NTU professor into a billionaire, alongside Japfa, Sarine Tech, and Sunpower. But that’s just a very small handful among the mostly stagnant market right now.