In the Yu-Gi-Oh! GX anime show, Zane Truesdale was able to overwhelm opponents, including the show’s protagonist, with his army of Cyber Dragon cards. The archetype has not only been a fan favorite among Yu-Gi-Oh! fans, but also with TCG players, as the archetype has been a mainstay in the metagame since the mid-2000s.
With all of that history, it shouldn’t be a surprise that the archetype has popularity among Duel Links and some meta relevancy. But how can you build a Cyber Dragon deck in Duel Links? Let’s go over our recommendations for a Cyber Dragon deck build, starting with a Skill that you will definitely need for it.
organization hit hard. wide-scale disruption. reporter: what benefit does north korea get out of it. it s unclear. the one thing that makes sense, simply they re unpredictable. reporter: another thing that makes the group uncontradictable. wannacry wormed its way into millions of computers but the code so basic a 22-year-old hacker from britain found an easy way to kill it only 48 hours after it was activated. this is wannacry on the right and a previous lazarus piece of software used in bangladesh. reporter: the attack on the central bank of bangladesh was a straight-up bank robbery, cyber style. no guns, no masks. just lines of code. the hackers exploited a small glitch in the global banking system and almost stole $1 billion except, they couldn t spell. the first indication that caused banks to go, wait a second. why is this transaction being made and held up the rest because of a single typo in the