Hello gentle readers, and welcome to the SwitchArcade Round-Up for June 3rd, 2024. In today s article, we ve got a handful of reviews to get the week going. All from Shaun today, as our pal Mikhail is busy with other affairs.
called cyber elves who work to digitally identify and combat people who are spreading russian propaganda and fake news. they call their wars onlionne elves versus trolls. france and britain got facebook to disable tens of thousands of automated accounts. places like ukraine and germany have fact checking consortiums that are robust and respected. the ukraine one is stop fake.org. there are all these examples actively available for our review all around the world of all these other countries and how they have dealt with trying to stop russia meddling in their election. contrast that. all of those examples in all of those different countries, a bunch of which we got testimony about in the u.s. senate this week. contrast what they re doing with what s going on here. it couldn t be starker. a fascinating report in talking points memo today that the department of homeland security will not be conducting any sort
with lawmakers about the, quote, lack of white house focus on the continued threat from russian cyber efforts, particularly relating to u.s. voting systems. that s according to another congressional source. so the nsa is frustrated that the president doesn t get that russia attacked us or doesn t care and cannot focus on trying to fight it at all. take a look at that coupled with what the washington post reported this weekend. for contrast, the washington post had this great rundown this weekend about european countries and all the things they do to actively respond to the way russia interferes with them. in sweden, they ve launched a nationwide school program to teach kids to identify russian propaganda. in lithuania, 100 citizens are called cyber elves who work to digitally identify and combat people who are spreading russian propaganda and fake news. they call their wars online elves versus trolls.