Felix “PewDiePie” Kjellberg has been no stranger to posting diss track videos on his channel in the past, but the beloved creator’s latest piece of content of this type hasn’t been popular with the powers that be over at YouTube. In fact, the new music video ended up breaking some of [.]
so i think it s fair to discuss this, and also i think it s fair because she has made cyberbully part of her platform. give an speech several times about stopping cyberbullying visited with microsoft, with facebook and twitter talking about ways to be kind online and never addressed the president directly but has said before last night it s not news or surprising to me critics of media have chose ton ridicule me for speaking out on this and that s okay. knows there s criticism but this is one instance she should probably perhaps say something for the sake of the best in her initiative. this is a kid. quickly what would happen if she did say something? took issue? we would, the story would come out against her husband and conflict with him, but the way here, the message she trying to moment and what s happening in real life and most things i don t think she should be responsible for what a spouse said. nobody should. one time taken it on.
he won t take anybody s advice and if you re a good journalist or great journalist, go ask people in washington who does the president listen to? and the truth, the honest people say nobody. he listens to nobody. but isn t this republican party now his? isn t this republican party now his? it s not the party regan anymore. no, no, no, it s like i told john berman, it s like the green witch. once you throw the water on the green witch and she starts melting, those soldiers can t hate dorothy, i m sorry about this. we were behind the green witch because of her perception of power. okay? if they come to him in a unit, they know i m right. okay? trust me. they know i m right. they are just afraid to say it. because they don t want to get primaried and don t want to get trump twitter lit up like the big cyber bully he is. they don t want that stuff but they have to dig deep now and think about the country. think about america. everyone, every republican who has done that has left.
this. we were behind the green witch because of her perception of power. okay? if they come to him in a unit, they know i m right. okay? trust me. they know i m right. they are just afraid to say it. because they don t want to get primaried and don t want to get trump twitter lit up like the big cyber bully he is. they don t want that stuff but they have to dig deep now and think about the country. think about america. everyone, every republican who has done that has left. grandparents. i mean, every republican who has spoken out, decided they have to leave. okay. okay, so let s bring those people back and have another conversation with the people that are still in the party and say okay, come on, guys, you know this isn t right. we can come up with the right policies that can help the most americans live most people out of poverty. we can fix these asetrade dealsd reignite the great alliances around the world. we won t do it with this guy.
relatively short period of time, so many small acts of resistance. could melania trump be changing the first lady playbook? melania tweets and conducts her own social media without running it by anyone. some of her posts and actions fly in the face of her husband. there have been many situations with the west wing. her saying what she thinks, how she feels. she s authentic. and she will remain authentic always. it s just who she is. like this past august, when trump ripped into nba star lebron james. right after her husband on twitter, of course, as a cyber bully, mocked lebron james intelligence, her office puts out a statement praising the work that lebron james has done. that s how we do things over here. she wants s to do it, we take e of it.