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Back in 2013, I saw perhaps the finest Olds Cutlass Supreme Brougham in the wild (excluding car shows, of course): a silver-blue ’77 coupe with white landau top. It was, quite simply, gorgeous. And I have a history with the Colonnade Cutlasses. That’s right folks, it’s another ’70s Brougham post. But if you’ve been reading my stuff for even a couple of months, you will know that’s par for the course. So onward!
As the 1970s tagline said, “There is a special feel in an Oldsmobile.” And it was actually true, not just hype. There is little doubt that the Oldsmobile Cutlass Supreme coupes-whether the top of the line Brougham or a standard coupe-was the most popular of the 1973–77 GM Colonnade mid-size roster.