that inspiration is given to you by the holy spirit. i m a christian. yeah, so here is the tip of the day. even when you disagree with someone, don t cut off communication, unless the person is destructive. detante can usually be reached with rational people, once again, i appreciate promoting the book and having me on, it was a good segment, we got a lot done, and that is it for us, please check out the website, o we as we mentioned last night on thursday, began a brand-new segment, mad as hell. we want to know what you re angry about and you can write us, a special address, mad as hell @ fox, no wearing, no cursing. just tell us what is really getting you. and we will do a segment.
the christian doctrine says that inspiration is given to you by the holy spirit. i m a christian. yeah, so here is the tip of the day. even when you disagree with someone, don t cut off communication, unless the person is destructive. detante can usually be reached with rational people, once again, i appreciate promoting the book and having me on, it was a good segment, we got a lot done, and that is it for us, please check out the website, o we as we mentioned last night on thursday, began a brand-new segment, mad as hell. we want to know what you re angry about and you can write us, a special address, mad as hell @ fox, no wearing, no cursing. just tell us what is really getting you.
prove it. why did you call him christ because he denotes messiah. you said you got the inspiration in the middle of the night that is my belief system, come on, you have got to know what i said. i have been all over the place. i m sorry, i don t read every single thing about you. my mistake. the christian doctrine says that inspiration is given to you by the holy spirit. i m a christian. yeah, so here is the tip of the day. even when you disagree with someone, don t cut off communication, unless the person is destructive. detante can usually be reached with rational people, once again, i appreciate promoting the book and having me on, it was a good segment, we got a lot done, and that is it for us, please check out the website,