March 3, 2021
Superman Reboot Leak Was Warner Bros’ Plan To Shift Focus From Zack Snyder’s Justice League? ( Photo Credit – IMDb / Zack Snyder’s Justice League ; Facebook / Warner Bros )
If there is one thing DC, HBO & HBO Max have been in the headline for a better part of the year, it is because of Zack Snyder’s Cut Of Justice League. One does not have to be a master to scale the mass appeal and popularity of the project that is due to hit HBO Max on March 18. Amid this, the leak about a Superman Reboot stole some of JL’s limelight is what is being noticed.
February 8, 2021
Zack Snyder Announces Justice League Trailer Release Date With A Cyborg Teaser ( Photo Credit – Getty images / Zack Snyder ; Instagram / snydercut )
If asked a year ago, Zack Snyder’s Cut of Justice League seemed like a far fetched dream that suddenly got fast-tracked mid-2020 and turned out be a reality. While the announcement caught our frenzy, the scepticism that will it be released for sure was still riding high. But HBO Max’s backing and Zack’s dedication has made it possible, and the Cut is set to hit the screens on March 18. Meanwhile, Snyder is making sure that the buzz just gets going and is intensified with each passing day as he has now announced the trailer release date.