The Delhi High Court has held that allegations of availing of fake credit cannot be a ground for rejecting the refund applications unless it is established that the petitioner has not received the.
package. todd: thank god. sean: thank god for that. listen, yeah. let s all go get teslas. carley: a big tesla for your family. californiaing 96 murders since beginning of this year, 10% spike from the same time last year, the city is on pace with chicago after the windy city reported 97 homicides as of monday. philly 562 homicides at end of 2021, spike from 499 in 2020. not good numbers. todd: border patrol rescuing a family. unable to navigate cold current, those agents got the family into a boat before transferring them to a customs station. performed 45 water rescued in the last five days.
the agents were able to get the family into a boat and check them over and make sure they were okay before transferring them to a customs station. del rio border patrol agents performed 45 water rescues in the last five days. todd. todd: evacuating three premature babies from kyiv to poland as russian forces shell said the capital city, that mission dubbed project gemini include two american twin baby boys. project dynamo. what were precautions you needed to take for a prosecute mature baby? yeah, we ve been doing rescues for a long time in afghanistan and ukraine and rarely do we get a chance to smile, even though we are doing