Product helps mitigate the risk to profitability posed by reputational crises and offers real-time threat insights
A group of Lloyd’s insurers are providing artificial intelligence-enabled tools to help policyholders control their corporate brand and reputation more effectively.
Underwritten by the Custodian Consortium, led by Beazley, the Reputational Risk policy protects organisations through the lifespan of a crisis. Cover includes crisis management services to minimise reputational damage, and business interruption cover that insures against the impact to profitability of a downturn in revenue.
The solution now includes a subscription to reputational, economic, social & governance (ESG) and risk intelligence provider, Polecat Intelligence. The platform uses online and social data to assess an organisation’s reputational profile and performance globally, benchmarking these against competitors and peers.
Beazley renews AI-enabled reputational risk consortium at Lloydâs
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Specialist insurer Beazley has renewed its Custodian Consortium at Lloyd’s that provides reputational risk coverage for clients throughout the lifespan of a crisis.
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Press release content from Globe Newswire. The AP news staff was not involved in its creation.
Beazley enhances Reputational Risk offering with AI-enabled tools providing enhanced insights .
Beazley GroupJanuary 25, 2021 GMT
George Beattie, Head of Incubation Underwriting at Beazley
George Beattie, Head of Incubation Underwriting at Beazley
London, Jan. 25, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) Specialist insurer Beazley has enhanced its pioneering Reputational Risk insurance policy by providing artificial intelligence-enabled tools to help policyholders control their corporate brand and reputation more effectively.
Underwritten by the Custodian Consortium at Lloyd’s led by Beazley, the Reputational Risk policy protects organisations through the lifespan of a crisis. Cover includes crisis management services to minimise reputational damage, and business interruption cover that insures against the impact to profitability of a downturn in revenue.