without a mask outside and hear your story.re it s outrageous. you were quarantined in the covid camp and didn t have coronavirus. were there other people there who didn t have the virus as well? well, the answer is yes. there were many, many who were quarantined in a similar way. that s part of the issue. one problem we had that we told this was a 2 week to flatten the curve scenario. we were pursuing a zero covid strategy. the levels of testing are extraordinary and restrictions are draconian. [indiscernible] there were meals produced 3 times a day.
without a mask outside and hear your story. it s outrageous. you were quarantined in the covid camp and didn t have coronavirus. were there other people there who didn t have the virus as well? well, the answer is yes. there were many, many who were quarantined in a similar way. that s part of the issue. one problem we had that we told this was a 2 week to flatten the curve scenario. we were pursuing a zero covid strategy. the levels of testing are extraordinary and restrictions are draconian.