and all these other drugs that are killing up toe three hundred americans a week30 . we ll have the very latest coming up. plus we ll bring you all of the lowlightss. karine jean-pierre is hard hitting interview in case youd missed it on the view from i earlier today which despite all the softball questions turnedll out to be a big challenge for britain s brand new white house press secretary. t also tonight , look at your screen. they say you miss 100% the shots you don t take. but if you kamala harris, the same might be true for 100% of the shots youou do take. we ll have h some of that fun video straight ahead. but first we turn to today shead big newsn t out of the u.s.. supreme court in a six three landmark decision, the court struck down a new york state law forcing individual to showr proper cause in order to obtain a concealed carry permit. now the so-called proper clause provision is often difficult to prove and a dangerous city like new york city, it s a almostla im
me the platform both on tv and radio to talk t about it and the amazing viewers at foxma god everybody. my coauthor david goodwin, it s i think the right topic at t the right time is parents are looking for answers and k through 12. so thank you very much, sean. i really appreciate it.ha and harvard can keep their degree. i don ti want it. they re not the gatekeeper. but wait a minute. i disagree with you. listen, do you earn that degree you earned? sure. okay, so what did i did? i worked but i was doing it for the wrong reasons because i want toea get a best degree on there. it turns out it ss a bunch ofut marxist teaching critical i theory and once we red woke to the reality of what they re to our countryha but we affirm them by validating me thinking they re special, i can stick up for you and tell you they did not and alternate you. you re still your own person. you survived it there was a book years ago writtene by former congressman john lewis, a harvard hates america boy, he w