A Palm Coast man was sentenced to 40 years in prison for the murder of an 18-year-old Flagler Palm Coast High School student who was shot at a laundromat in 2019.
Now Carmen Gray is planning to use food and cooking as a way to engage the community in a discussion to support mental health and combat violence in an interactive program she titled “Who Cracked My Egg?”
For the program, Carmen Gray is extending a virtual invitation for everyone to join her in her kitchen in Palm Coast from 7 to 8 p.m. on April 13.
Participants can choose from three recipes to cook. They can cook one or all three. She asks that people join 10 minutes before the program starts.
“It’s an educational piece in which I’m able to show through the simplicity of a three-part egg: the shell; the yolk; the egg white,” Gray said, “to break those down to show what happens when trauma happens to an individual.”