Gender gaps, for what is known, are stark in Congo: Disparities cut across different socio-economic domains including human capital accumulation, earnings, asset ownership, and entrepreneurship. . Yet, accurate data on those gaps, specifically those in the economic sphere, are scarce.
MINUSMA relies on diesel for to power its vehicles and its generators. This has implications beyond the security of its fuel supply convoys however, since the diesel trade plays an important part in the political economy of northern Mali.
Food insecurity continues to threaten the lives of hundreds of millions of people around the world today. According to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, the number of undernourished increased from 624 million people in 2014.
"[T]he feedback and perspectives shared by providers.suggested that providing information alone was unlikely to change behavior, as many of those who failed to follow guidelines already understood the requirement to test for malaria before treating clients." In Nigeria, there is a risk that healthcare providers may overdiagnose and overtreat mala