A faster, nine-month program to attract more students and keep up with the need on the streets has been created, but the college has postponed that twice.
matters audience to speak to middle schoolers and taught students crime does not exist, it is made up, and that was required for middle school students during the day. our curriculum office had no idea about it. we tell the public it is going on, it is embarrassment, does not matter if it was publicly available information, it is irrelevant, people did not sign up to have their emails and files in front of the public, and of course, that is not true. jesse: so, the superintendent, who wants to nail your hide to the wall, dr. alicia johnson, she wants you fired, she says she is going to fire you. does she have any support in the community? i would assume you would have the support of parents, teachers, she just doing this on a whim because she doesn t like you and she wants to keep the fact that she is poisoning children s brains secret?
Submitted News
CANTON Canton Union School District #66 Little Learners’ Preschool summer screening will be held Monday, May 24, 2 to 7 p.m. and Tuesday, May 25, 9 a.m. to 2 p.m.
The screenings will take place at Westview Elementary School, 700 West Old Vine.
This is for children ages 3 and 4.
Each participant will receive a free developmental screening, an opportunity to apply to the Little Learners’ Program and free vision and hearing screenings.
To schedule an appointment, call Ruth Schoof or Jason Parsons at the Curriculum Office, 647-1600.
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