uk government minister michael gove says the home secretary suella braverman deserves a second chance after allegations of a security breach. shadow home secretary, yvette cooper remains unconvinced. now questions about whether she has given an accurate description of what happened, she said she reported it straightaway, there are other reports that, no, she didn t and was confronted on this. voters in brazil are heading to the polls to choose either former left wing leader luiz inacio lula da silva orfar right incumbentjair bolsonaro as the next president. and why french vineyard owners are buying up land in south east england after a summer of record breaking temperatures. hello and welcome if you re watching in the uk or around the world. south korea is in mourning after more than 150 people were killed while out celebrating halloween. the crush happened after 100,000 people, many of them teenagers, gathered in one of the city s most popular nightlife districts for t
mackenzie sent us this update. this community centre is where so much of the grief has been playing out today, because this is where families are coming to report their missing loved ones, and it s here where they find out if they re on the list of people who are known to have died. and while we ve been here, we ve seen people receive this terrible news. others have turned up and been given no news, and this will be almost as hard to process. i spoke to one mother who is 22 year old son who was working in itaewon last night in one of the clubs, she didn t hearfrom him, she still hasn t heard from him and she has been calling him ever since. back at the scene where i was earlier, we are starting to get more details of what happened in that narrow and overcrowded alleyway where the crush started. i spoke to one man who was in the alleyway during the crush. he had managed to get to the side and climbed up
of interesting sights and my kids love it. it was like a live halloween show but it got more and more crowded, so that yesterday when me and some friends were discussing what to do that evening, i remember saying, let s not go to itaewon because it is not really fun with the crowds. saying that i had no idea of a tragedy coming, it was not a comfortable place to be in the last few years. it a comfortable place to be in the last few yew- a comfortable place to be in the last few years. it seems there were tens of thousands last few years. it seems there were tens of thousands of last few years. it seems there were tens of thousands of people - last few years. it seems there were tens of thousands of people there, | tens of thousands of people there, many of them young people, teenagers, people in their 20s, and it was the first time since covid they were able to celebrate halloween and that s why such big crowds with there. halloween and that s why such big crowds with there. yes.
서울시, 용산 유엔사부지 복합개발사업 건축심의 통과…총 1197호 주택 공급
에너지효율 1+등급 및 녹색건축 최우수등급으로 계획… 친환경 녹색단지 구현
이지윤 기자 | | 입력 2021-07-15 10:41:17 [이미디어= 이지윤 기자]서울시는 2021년 7월 13일 제13차 건축위원회를 개최하여 용산구 이태원동 22-34번지 일대 유엔사부지 복합개발사업 건축계획안을 통과시켰다고 밝혔다.
금회 심의를 통과한 계획안은 지상 20층, 지하 7층 규모로 공동주택 420세대, 오피스텔 777실과 호텔, 업무시설, 판매 및 문화집회시설 등 주상복합 건축물로 계획했다.
당해 사업부지에는 용산공원과 이태원 관광특구를 연결하는 길이 330m의 공공보행통로를 계획하고, 공공보행통로와 결합된 선형의 공개공지를 폭 17~36m로 조성해 저층부의 대형 판매 복합몰, 녹지 및 문화