the risk asset at this point. kelly: when we look at the 401(k), we might have invest in the european market and the european market as we know is reeling right now. what do you recommend for people? where should they put the money in the 401(k)? for one thing, we talk about the 401(k) being in it for the long term. everyone says they are in it for the long-term until the market hits a drop. try to keep the long-term focus no matter what investments you are. looking in places like europe or india, the currency opportunities. a lot of investors look to commodities as our own dollar has fallen. that is a smart piece of advice. spread it out and don t focus investment on too large a position. j.p. morgan himself had the best piece of advice. he said sell down to the sleeping point. if a 2% drop in your 401(k) is keeping you up at night, maybe you are a little too heavily invested. kelly: i think so.