In a quiet location and turn off any tvs or computers around you. We thank you for your cooperation. Places you on item number two. Roll call director lindsay. My apologies. Not used to going first present. Lindsay lindsay present. I see her joined. Yep director so present. So present. Director here. Present director. Karina. Present. Present directors eakin and hemingway are not expected today at todays meeting. However, you do have a quorum. And for the record, i know that director lindsay is attending this meeting remotely. Director kinsey is reminded that she must appear on camera throughout the meeting and in order to speak or vote on any items places you on. Item number three, the ringing and use of cell phones and similar sound producing Electronic Devices are prohibited. At this meeting, the chair may order the removal from the meeting room any person responsible for the ringing or use of a cell phone or other similar sound producing Electronic Devices places you on item number
Any tvs or computers around you. We thank you for your cooperation. Places you on item number two. Roll call director lindsay. My apologies. Not used to going first present. Lindsay lindsay present. I see her joined. Yep director so present. So present. Director here. Present director. Karina. Present. Present directors eakin and hemingway are not expected today at todays meeting. However, you do have a quorum. And for the record, i know that director lindsay is attending this meeting remotely. Director kinsey is reminded that she must appear on camera throughout the meeting and in order to speak or vote on any items places you on. Item number three, the ringing and use of cell phones and similar sound producing Electronic Devices are prohibited. At this meeting, the chair may order the removal from the meeting room any person responsible for the ringing or use of a cell phone or other similar sound producing Electronic Devices places you on item number four approval of minutes for the
Ridership or muni buses and shuttles and cyclists and so forth we have to work very, very hard to make sure that as we growing grow as a city to continue more and more uncle were designing them in a way and educating people enforcing the law not to see a continuing escalation of the collisions and death and the last thing we need more it to get worse we want to be aggressive and moving forward so vision zero moving forward i know this board is supportive supervisor kim and chair committee on the Transportation Authority thank you to her office for the work we want to make sure mr. Sharp that the work around vision zero is moving forward in a good way and were exercising the necessary oversight and fall out well be hearing from the mta particularly are hallway it is insuring efficient and effective project delivery and theres been challenges in getting projects delivery and in an extinguish way the agency is working to improve the process to have safer and safer streets i want to note t
Save streets by end death by 2024 were focusing our efforts on the e education, enforcement, and engineering so we finding on the project delivery side this is the part that says he know what we want to do a program of improvement can we have the fund support how do we get those this the street the first topic i want to talk about what the information the importance of coordinating to make sure our projects are done as effectively has possible this is a conflict city it the complex so having the projects funded is enough i suggest we deliver the engineering it requires good coordination it is true on van ness and polk street i think that polk street a good example where we pubically have a group by cooperation in reaching coincidence and Public Acceptance for the measures were Going Forward with on polk street we did a good job of making sure that the public works repaving the pucs sewer replacement project and the traffic bicycle and pedestrian are being managed and will be delivered
Hard to make sure that as we growing grow as a city to continue more and more uncle were designing them in a way and educating people enforcing the law not to see a continuing escalation of the collisions and death and the last thing we need more it to get worse we want to be aggressive and moving forward so vision zero moving forward i know this board is supportive supervisor kim and chair committee on the Transportation Authority thank you to her office for the work we want to make sure mr. Sharp that the work around vision zero is moving forward in a good way and were exercising the necessary oversight and fall out well be hearing from the mta particularly are hallway it is insuring efficient and effective project delivery and theres been challenges in getting projects delivery and in an extinguish way the agency is working to improve the process to have safer and safer streets i want to note that the delegation in San Francisco tomorrow for the national Highway Safety and the Natio