Granblue Fantasy Versus: Rising is a new installment in the fighting franchise and will feature a variety of new ways to enjoy the Granblue Fantasy Versus series.
Granblue Fantasy Versus: Rising is a new installment in the fighting franchise and will feature a variety of new ways to enjoy the Granblue Fantasy Versus series.
"When the secret's are out, you often discover who your friends are." Dark Sky Films has revealed the trailer for an indie slasher horror film titled Time's Up, made by filmmaker L.C. Holt. This premiered last year at the Popcorn Frights Film Festival and will be getting a release later in 2023. On New Year's
Granblue Fantasy Versus: RisingĀ is a new installment in the fighting franchise and will feature a variety of new ways to enjoy the Granblue Fantasy Versus series.