meaning the new york attorney general letitia james. she s got this. if cuomo gets impeached he gets impeached. i literally don t care what happens to him. he did a much better job on the pandemic than trump even with all of the issues. but then again, who didn t? he was a good crisis manager for what it was worth, though clearly there were many, many issues including nursing homes. but again, you all worship donald freaking trump. you don t get to complain. and if cuomo doesn t resign, if he decides to just thug it out, you right-wingers can just blame yourselves because he ll just be rolling the way your nasty men roll. the way jim jordan is rolling. despite accusations that he looked the other way as an assistant coach while the coach was allegedly raping wrestlers. or the way matt gaetz is literally on tour like a maga celebrity despite allegations that he sexually trafficked a child and gravitated toward teenage girls as sexual partners. or like creepy-ass madison cawthorn who rep