Cummins Generator [Source: Cummins]
Charles R. Goulding considers ways in which 3D printing can help generators keep electricity online in difficult times.
Thinking of my son and his wife and baby in Dallas with no heat and power made me wish they had a generator in their recently purchased home. The number of deaths and the length of this Texas-wide power outage are going to result in substantial change. One result is that both during the event and for some time after, the sales of generators will soar, much like they did in the Northeast US after the events of hurricanes Irene and Sandy. During the Texas event, FEMA aid included sending generators. Our firm does a lot of tax projects for the generator industry and in 2020 we wrote two generator-related Fabbaloo articles; one on generators in general, and one on the bankruptcy filing of Briggs & Stratton. This article will cover 3D printing developments at four major generator manufacturers including Cummins, Generac, Kohler, and