NEW CUMBERLAND The New Cumberland Lions Club will have its first pulled pork takeout fundraiser of the year from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. May 27 in the parking lot
The New Cumberland Lions Club will kick off the summer Pulled Pork Takeout fundraiser with the first event scheduled for Saturday, May 27, from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m
Dorothy Hawkes, right, president of the New Cumberland Lions Club, introduced visitor Loranna Tate, a past president and past secretary, at a recent meeting whe
Dorothy Hawkes, right, president of the New Cumberland Lions Club, introduced visitor Loranna Tate, a past president and past secretary, at a recent meeting whe
The New Cumberland Lions Club presented a flag program April 21 at New Manchester Elementary School where veterans Gabe Arlia and Tom Stiles demonstrated to the