almost heaven going into this hell week, west virginia has more than its share of challenges with the largest population of drop in the u.s. over the past decade. it has the sixth highest poverty rate in the nation, unemployment is now below the national average at 5% but with almost one in five children living in poverty, that s before the pandemic, west virginia would benefit from the extension of the child tax credit, child nutrition programs and universal pre-k proposed in the democrats budget. likewise only 40% of the state had dental insurance as of 2012. proposed expansion to cover dental as well as vision and hearing make a difference in people s lives. a lot of the debate concerns climate change mitigation and clean energy and west virginia is of course coal country. that s been a powerful culture war wedge issue used against liberal environmentalists. many of the proposalals are about incentivizing investment. it would create thousands of new jobs moving to nearly 80%