approaching 11 hours now of a long day and forgive me, i want to go back to one of myerly my early senators lindsey graham. on a scale of one to ten, how deep is your faith that i won t ask that question. you re asking me or won t ask me. i m just joking. [ laughter ] okay. i want to go through some of the things that some of my colleagues did on top line and forgive me i don t want to dwell too much. some of it i found today just to me really didn t hold water and i want to start with my friend and colleague ted cruz who is my friend. he s a texan, one of my favorite texans who says he s hard to hate up close so pull people in and a lot of times in this culture of triable politics, the reality is we know each other over years and i ve had the privilege of working with ted on
0 recommendations, whether they re in congress, they re not the kinds of things that i can opine about. so you don t want to opine whether 17 years is too long or too short a sentence for murder? senator cotton, the congress has prescribed a number of factors that judges look at when they sentence. it may in many cases not be. i can t answer in the abstract in the way that you these are very concrete. let s turn to rape. do you know how long the average inmate convicted of rape serves in prison in america? well, senator rape is not a crime in the federal system that i m familiar with working with, so i don t know. it s 7.2 months. do you think 7.2 months is too long or too short for someone convicted of rape to be sentenced to prison? senator, that s a policy question about the egregious crime of rape and congress has said that the court is supposed to take into a number take into account a number of factors when sentencing. okay. i can t answer in the abstract. j