Holy Spirit guided takedown of notorious abortionist, says detective
Kermit Barron Gosnell, sentenced to three life sentences for the deaths of three infants and one woman at his West Philadelphia abortion clinic along with 30 years for illegal drug charges is pictured in an undated mug shot from the Philadelphia Police Department. (CNS photo/handout Philadelphia Police Department)
By Gina Christian • Posted January 22, 2021
Ten years after a grand jury report exposed a notorious Philadelphia abortionist, the lead detective in the case says he was guided by the Holy Spirit and he’s more committed than ever to protecting the unborn.
“Life is life, and it begins at conception,” said Montgomery County Detective James Wood, who grew up in the former Most Blessed Sacrament Parish in Philadelphia, and is currently an active member of another archdiocesan parish.
(CNS photo/Nancy Wiechec)
By Gina Christian • Posted January 20, 2021
As the nation marks nearly five decades of legalized abortion, Archbishop Nelson Pérez is inviting faithful to join two national prayer initiatives to protect human life.
The Jan. 21-29 “9 Days for Life” effort will center on prayer and calls for an end to abortion, as well as a renewed respect for human dignity.
Sponsored the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB), the novena (from the Latin word for “nine”) combines intercessions, brief reflections and suggested acts of reparation.
Materials are available in both English and Spanish through the “9 Days for Life” website, where livestreamed prayer events in dioceses around the country can also be accessed. Participants can choose to receive the novena prayers via email, text message, print format or through a free mobile app (with customizable reminders) in English or Spanish.
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that obvious fact seemed to allude to media echo chamber. more people will die in america by guns this year and next then died in a decade in vietnam. and yet congress does nothing. the president does nothing. why so many mass shootings? is it contagion, is it the culture? is it something to do with the lack of respect for life around us or mental health? you can t deal with this issue without dealing with the availability of guns is a fundamental aspect. laura: i think he makes a decent point there. the culture of life, supporting it, that s a good point. but the rush to the guns he passed a background check, he has no prior criminal convictions. most of the media puffery makes