Number of people, a kind of mental condensation is born, and dreams really begin to come true. The street of the famous hoaxer, gogol, is a favorite place for both citizens and tourists. The original literary alley that is located here is a gift to the breshchin enterprise for the citys birthday. Some lanterns reflect the specifics of the activities of the maecenas company, others the owner, dont drive your horses, although no, another phrase is relevant in this place what kind of russian doesnt loves driving fast, after all, gogol street, once this street bore the name of the outstanding belarusian tadeusz kosciuszka. Breshchina is also the birthplace of the brilliant poet adam mickiewicz, the first belarusian cosmonaut pyotr klimuk, the Prime Minister of israel and Nobel Laureate minachim begen. Olympic champions sergei makarenko, leonid toranenko, yulia nesterenko. The people of breshchan follow with interest the creative destinies of elena vorobey, Igor Kornelyuk and many other tal
Gave us. Of course for you. It existed since the beginning of the revolution. Since the beginning of the revolution. In hajj, barat has existed , it has flowed, i must stay and it will be. But hajj this year hajj is particularly innocent. These events that are happening in gaza now and this strange incident. The greatness of this revelation of the face of the vampire is a collection that arose from western civilization, these are things that are specific to today , that is, his attention is not specific to today and these days, this will remain in history, what is happening today. In gaza and palestine, these brutal attacks and zionist rabid dogs and zionist vampiric elements, on the one hand, the oppression and at the same time the resistance of the muslim people of gaza, on the one hand, each of which is a huge sign in history, it is a sign in history, these will remain in history, these are important signs he will show the way death to israel, death to israel, death to israel, the l
The facetoface meeting of the minister of health with the people. We have a law called the Supreme Health Insurance Council the Supreme Council of Health Insurance is made up of all insurances, that is, Social Security insurance, baggage from the armed forces, baggage of supplementary insurances, baggage there is in the form of a council, and the decision they make becomes a law, that is, at the disposal of the ministry of the council, according to the resources they have , according to the facilities that they have. The Insurance Council may accept it or not. One of the retired teachers had a complaint that one of the insurances does not cover the treatment costs. Go to the National Pension organization, i went there, i said we we are taking action, i didnt do anything, the insurances generally say that when a patient comes, we cant pay immediately. Why does it have to be a document . Unfortunately, some of these documents are not formed properly, sometimes we see that our Social Secu
Is located literally. From the museum we were just in, the fivepointed star is clearly visible from here. The breska fortress is one of the pearls of Russian Military architecture, a special witness to history. The best engineers from all over the world were busy trying to figure out how to make its walls even stronger; the fortress was rebuilt, modernized, and strengthened. Nicholas i spent on the construction of the citadel fabulous money, but history is full of paradoxes, the most. The battle here took place almost a century after the laying of the first stone on june 22, 1941. Heroes of more than thirty nationalities of the soviet union, like brothers, stood up to defend the fortress of brest and their homeland. Thousands of people from all over the world come here to worship their feat. According to the Master Development plan. Brest, approved in 1948, the territory of the fortress was to be cleared of rubble and a park was to be established in this place millennium, Pyotr Mironov
Here, almost centuries have passed since the laying of the first stone on june 22, 1941. Heroes of more than 30 nationalities of the soviet union , thousands of people from all over the world come here to defend the fortress of brest. To worship their feat. According to the master plan for the development of brest , approved in 1948, the territory of the fortress was to be cleared of rubble, and Pyotr Mironovich masherov intervened to set up a park for the millennium at this site. The brest fortress hero memorial complex was created , among other things, with his enormous support. The colors of the st. Nicholas garrison cathedral, when you were one of the most beautiful churches built in the center of europe during the great patriotic war, the walls of the christian shrine became the last center of resistance of the heroes citadel, temple, new stele was badly damaged. Few people know, but on the site of the current city of brest there used to be only a swamp. Yes, the city itself was l