ending catch and release, it includes enforcing remain in mexico, what comes after title 42, we have that plan. on another front i ve worked with my friend handed cuellar democrat from texas, kyrsten sinema democrat from senaarizona and senator cornyn e have a bill, it s a bipartisan bicameral bill that helps start to address this.ll a we filed this bill a year and aa half ago. there are options there for the administration, the number 1 thing i am looking for is a dialogue. let s secure the border, people are dying. theyere are no longer just migrants, border patrol agents, everyday people not to mention w th the fentanyl and other deadly coming over this border. my point in saying democrats werwe heard just recently fromo arizona democratic senator mark kelly criticizing the administration.ve nornw arizona s governor-elect katie hobbs is slamming the administration as well. h arizona has borne the brunt of decades of inaction from both