some people felt that there was very important news on entitlements. and i think that is true, that he was talking about middle class priorities and about entitlements not being something that, you know, involves taking, that it is something that helps us develop our economy and that people need medicaid and medicare. actually, we have that clip while you re referencing that. do we have that cued up, guys? can we just play that brief clip there? roll that. i think we ve got it. the commitments we make to each other through medicare and medicaid and social security, these things do not sap our initiative. they strengthen us. they do not make us a nation of takers, they free us to take the risks that make this country great. i saw that as essentially sort of a bottom line on the election that got him to this day. yes. maybe a signal about what is to come in terms of the governing fights in washington. absolutely. it is quite likely that there
we don t have that cued up. chris? i thought the entire democratic convention was really flawlessly done from pure theatricallies, compared to the republican convention that i thought it was a theatrical disaster, we built that, yes, we did, we did. i thought that backfired. i thought bill clinton s speech was political theater at its best insofar as it was genuinely edifying. he was not afraid, he didn t do the cheap and easy thing which was to do something surfacey. he went into the weeds of the details of the policy and explained them and it actually made for great theater. worst political theater. i can t believe we haven t mentioned this before. herman cain s entire campaign. it was a hoax. he wasn t actually really running. he was an actor on the national stage. he had command of his audience. at the end of the day, it was theater. worst? this is water before i get a lot of tweets. we are the water drinkers. water team. worst political theater, i would say after t
this award for the last 20 years on the show. and so it s been named after him. it is the most embarrassing the person who has embarrassed himself or herself the most in the year 2012. at least he s consistent. for you, karen, this year the donald trump award goes to i have to say herman cain. yeah. in that interview when he couldn t remember. in that video we just saw. maybe a close second with governor perry with trying to remember the three agencies. ouch, ouch, ouch. it just hurt. it hurt. and the difference is perry actually was running for president and cain was running for fame. joy, the donald trump award? since karen took the two that i would have taken. john sununu. he was the worst surrogate i have ever seen in my house. he was everything that s wrong with the republican party s brand. surly and condescending and racially incensensitive and ug l i and he kept talking.
i am appalled that you would begin a presidential debate on a topic like that. that was obviously my choice, too, for best political theater. that s why we have that ready. steve, best political theater. i remember my favorite thing about that episode is in the reporting afterwards, gingrich went up to john king and said, no hard feelings. it really was there. very helpful to him. it really was theater. my favorite moment in political theater, i guess, was in the final presidential debate when mitt romney thought he had landed the killer blow against barack obama. oh, yes. on libya. oh, yes. failure to call it terrorist attack. started physically closing in. in line when obama knew exactly what was happening, exactly the trap that romney was falling for. he said, governor, proceed. please proceed, governor. we don t have that cued up. chris? i thought the entire democratic convention was really flawlessly done from pure
am appalled that you would begin a presidential debate on a topic like that. [ applause ] that was obviously my choice, too, for best political theater. that s why we had that ready. steve, best political theater. and i remember that my favorite thing about that episode was it turned out in the reporting afterwards that when they went to a commercial break, gingrich went up to john king and was like, no hard feelings. there shouldn t have been. it was very helpful to him. it really was theater. my favorite moment was in the final presidential debate when mitt romney thought he had landed the killer blow against barack obama. oh, yes. on libya. failure to call it a terrorist attack. started physically closing in. that line when obama knew exactly what was happening, exactly the trap, and he says, governor, proceed. please proceed, governor. we don t have that cued up in video. chris? i thought the entire democratic convention was pretty