kids away from someone this guy should have his kids taken away from him. you know where i am with pot. it shouldn t be legalized, it s dangerous and get away and causes problem. to say you want to teach your kids to smoke weed. andrea: maybe it came from a good place? he s snoop dogg. these are his kids. should he say it? i don t know his kids are. but i mean really greg: 47. andrea: i think they will know bob: you are a supporte supporter andrea: he had weed on the album covers. look, he is snoop dogg. what do you want me to say? i don t think the kids should be taken from him. freddie if you say i m a support greg: if you say i m supporter of marijuana no. i am for legalization of marijuana. it don t think it makes it legal for young kids. that is the difference there. america needs future generation of snoop dogg. it s how america turned in to a cuddy teddy bear. o cute