Athena Yao has been interested in neuroscience from the moment she picked up a book in her high school library addressing the science of stress and motivation. “I was trying to figure out the source of my own stress and how I could develop a better sense of control over my life,” she shares. “It was fascinating to learn about the biological basis of emotion and behavior.”
By Sean Lennard, Triangle Food Guy
Raleigh, N.C. I saw this over in Durham and am modifying (i.e. stealing) it for the entire Triangle. Please take the Triangle Takeout Pledge! Restaurants need your support more than ever. With temperatures dropping, college students going home, and the number of Covid cases steadily increasing, sales have dropped off significantly for everyone. I am asking for you to pledge to order takeout food from any independent restaurant 1-2 TIMES per week. Or better yet, bundle up, snuggle up and dine in-person, whether inside or out (lots of restaurants have added heated space) – and don’t forget to TIP GENEROUSLY. Additionally, consider giving gift cards to local, independent restaurants as holiday gifts this year. If each of us takes this pledge, really takes this pledge, our favorite restaurants will be here on the other side of this mess. Take the pledge!