Irish health department hit with ransomware attack
18 May 2021, 04:32 GMT+10
Ireland s Department of Health has been under a ransomware attack similar to that recently launched on the HSE.
The NCSC said in a statement that it became aware on Thursday of an attempted cyber attack on the Department of .
The NCSC is supporting the Department of Health in its response to this attempted cyber attack.
DUBLIN, May 16 (Xinhua) Ireland s Department of Health has been under a ransomware attack similar to that recently launched on the country s Health Service Executive (HSE), the National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) said Sunday. The NCSC said in a statement that it became aware on Thursday of an attempted cyber attack on the Department of Health, and that while this attempted attack remains under investigation, there are indications that this was a ransomware attack similar to that which has affected the HSE.