facts, and the law, and your common sense will lead you to one conclusion. crystal taylor died at the hands of skyler more and derek smile or. prosecutor generic millers and the attacks on the other girlfriend, racy williamson, were no coincidence. he has motive to do it because he does not want to have the kids, he does not want to pay child support. the prosecution claimed that while derek may have failed to stop tracey from having her two children, he found the right man for the job for stopping krystal, it is basketball buddy she styles. he is a gang member, he is a killer. mr. smyer knew who to go to when he wanted krystal taylor taken care of. have a seat. prosecutors show the jury
two families torn apart by one devastating crime. there s a woman, she shot. she s laying on the floor in the garage. a young man one woman name crystal taylor, murdered on her way to work. five months pregnant. this is breaking me. she gave her whole life just trying to raise me right. being a mom was who she was. who would shoot crystie? what s going on here? that was our question. police zeroed in on the men in her life. one, two, three of them. we re trying to find out who would have the motivation to do this. to help fine crystal s killer, her anguish sisters would turn amateur detectives. i couldn t even sleep. i needed an answer. that was my sister. my baby sister. the twist that stopped everyone cold. there had been another attack on another pregnant woman. she was assaulted in and her necklace. cut who was targeting moms to be?
the it was like their own nightmarish groundhog day. but nearly nine months after the mistrial, crystal taylor s family entered a courthouse, wondering if this time justice would finally be served? are you feeling any better about the second trial, that you were about the beginning of the first? trial i was, because we knew what to expect. we knew what they were going to say, and we knew it we had. and what you didn t? have right. we hope that whatever mistakes were made from the first trial, we were prepared and would do better. two big differences this time around. first, skyler moore, a casey styles was on trial along with derek, although each defendant had their own defendant.
they re shocked. that this is happened. they told him that the day before she was killed, crystal received a phone call at work that seemed to upset her. and then, they dropped a bombshell. that, a, she was pregnant. and, b, the person that she was pregnant by did not want her to be pregnant any longer. you couldn t tell crystal taylor s pregnant if you are lying on the ground? i couldn t tell. i couldn t tell. in fact, she was five months along. her unborn son died when she did. crystal had told friends the father of her child was a guy named derek smyer. so you won t find out where derek is? that s it. we want to find out everything about him right now. the detective learned crystal and derrick had a quick fling that only lasted a month or so. they met at anderson park, which is near both their jobs. by now, it was lunchtime. derek wasn t in his office. so williams drove to the park bringing crystal s work friends
people have to deal with after a loved one is murdered only at intensify the agony. there was the bloody mess left at the crime scene. crystal s pastor and a family friend stepped in to clean it so the family wouldn t have to. the sisters were asked to donate crystal s organs. that proved too difficult a question to answer quickly. and there was one more thing. somebody told you you had to name the baby? she was already going to name him jeremiah. so we just stuck with it. jeremiah taylor was it supposed to be born for 20 more weeks. he never got a birth certificate, only a death certificate. then the coroner released his body, along with his mother s. so their family could say goodbye. it was an open casket. i remember i wanted to reach out and touch her. i just sat in the chair looking down at the floor.