In pictures: A weekend of arts in Hawke s Bay
9 May, 2021 11:00 PM
2 minutes to read
Cast of Kahurangi Māori Dance Company and Te Wananga Whare Tapere o Takitimu performing Te Whawhewhawhe and Te Marama at Toitoi, Hastings. Photo / Warren Buckland
Cast of Kahurangi Māori Dance Company and Te Wananga Whare Tapere o Takitimu performing Te Whawhewhawhe and Te Marama at Toitoi, Hastings. Photo / Warren Buckland
Hawkes Bay Today
By: Louise Gould
Hawke s Bay s a great region for the arts, and it was on full show over the weekend.
Hastings Māori dance company Kahurangi performed its new play Te Whawhewhawhe and Te Marama at Toitoi - Hawke s Bay Arts & Events Centre to the public on Saturday.
Hawke s Bay play touring schools to start a conversation about anxiety
2 May, 2021 10:26 PM
3 minutes to read
Daniel Betty and Mary Kippenberger with the cast of Te Whawhewhawhe & Te Marama. Photo / Warren Buckland
Daniel Betty and Mary Kippenberger with the cast of Te Whawhewhawhe & Te Marama. Photo / Warren Buckland
Hawkes Bay Today
WB280421TOITOI3.JPG Cast members from the Kahurangi Māori Dance Theatre and Te Wānanga Whare Tapere o Takitimu rehearse for Te Whawhewhawhe & Te Marama. Photo / Warren Buckland
By Shannon Johnstone A play that aims to open up a conversation about anxiety is touring 29 schools in Hawke s Bay.