Cryptocurrencies tumbled afresh on Tuesday, with bitcoin and ether falling to new 18-month lows, after major cryptocurrency lending company Celsius Network's freezing of withdrawals delivered the latest jolt to investors in the asset-class.
Bitcoin fell as much as 14 per cent on Monday after major U.S. cryptocurrency lending company Celsius Network froze withdrawals and transfers citing "extreme" market conditions, in the latest sign of the financial market downturn hitting the cryptosphere.
Wealth managers in Asia are holding back from offering digital assets to investors despite soaring demand due to a lack of understanding of these assets, according to an industry survey by consulting firm Accenture published on Monday.
Since the backers of the failed Terra blockchain launched a new digital token to compensate investors burned by one of cryptos biggest busts, the blows have kept coming.
Ethereum's big transition to a more energy efficient system that developers have been promising for years could be kicked down the road yet again as they plan to delay a so-called difficulty bomb that's designed to slowly boot miners off the blockchain.