This white paper from CO2Meter delivers critical insights that help educate on the hazards associated with cryogenic liquids and safety best practices to protect you, your staff, and your establishment.
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Air Products is looking to help food processors improve efficiency and reduce product loss with a brand-new digital intelligence system that both monitors and controls cryogenic freezers remotely.
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Metamaterial Tiles Boost Sensitivity of Large Telescopes
Low-cost, mass producible technology poised to help Simons Observatory yield new insights into how the universe began
WASHINGTON – A multi-institutional group of researchers has developed new metamaterial tiles that will help improve the sensitivity of telescopes being built at the preeminent Simons Observatory in Chile. The tiles have been incorporated into receivers that will be deployed at the observatory by 2022.
The Simons Observatory is the center of an ambitious effort to measure the cosmic microwave background – electromagnetic radiation left over from an early stage of the universe – using some of the world’s largest and most sophisticated ground-based telescopes. These measurements will help improve our understanding of how the universe began, what it is made of and how it evolved into what it is today.