innovation. ainsley: so good, so good. brian: this is ainsley happy hour. ainsley: being from the carolinas, we play this a lot. brian: what is the story neil young, neil diamond wrote this about caroline kennedy when she was a little kid? i also heard it was about a babysitter. do you know anything about this, pete? i have no further details. no report. nothing but speculation. i will have to defer to ainsley on this one. ainsley: those are the rumors. i have never looked it up to confirm it. let me see. history of sweet caroline. neil diamond rented a house in my town. massapequa he had a piano in a basement. some say he wrote about a baby-sitter he had there. other people say it s not the story. ainsley, what have you got? ainsley: this says different explanations for the song s origin according to wikipedia. in an interview he stated the inspiration ever the song was for sara line kennedy. hold on, i have to click on it to read the rest of it. here we go.
rebounds. crush creighton tonight. class of 76 we have 100,000 alumni. bicentennial class 100,000 alumni. you will be hearing the tiger roar worldwide. no doubt. can i hear a tiger roar in here. [cheer] pete: i don t know if there is a tiger roar but we did our best. talking to more diners later on. it s not really a diner. it s a pub. but we re doing the best we can we gave it on the up that s how we get down so don t be coming around and it only takes eight minutes to qualify. i went on their website, uploaded everything, and i was blown away by what they could do. has helped businesses get over a billion dollars and we can help your business too. qualify your business for a big refund in eight minutes. go to to get started.
against creighton. pete, tell us what is up. that tonight s going to be a good, good night a feeling. scout is protected by simparica trio, and he s in it to win it. simparica trio is the first and only chew with triple protection. oh, fleas and ticks intestinal worms. wow heartworm disease,
bye-bye. bye-bye. ainsley: lawmakers blast tiktok ceo for tiktok. governor kristi noem is next. plus pete is live in princeton ahead of the tiger s sweet 16 game tonight. hey, pete. pete: hey, we are basically in a bunker here at the yankee doodle tap room. this place has been around 08 years nassau inn since 1750. a lot of history. we are talking to princeton students and alum. did you expect to be in the sweet 16? did i not. really excited to be here. pete: what is going to happen tonight. i have never heard of creighton before, no doubt. pete: wow, that s some confidence. what do you think. i think a lot of tigers will be watching tonight. pete: this place will probably be packed in 12 hours. a great moment for school spirit. pete for a sure. what s the prediction ever the outcome. this is the team that knows how to play the right way. diving for loose balls and get